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Sunday, January 24, 2010

Kovan Tournament 23.01.2010

Deck used : Dimensional Eatos [Epic Fail]

Round 1 VS Samuel Cheng[Zombies] : Lose 1-2

Round 2 VS YS [Lightlords] : Lose 1-2

Round 3 VS ?[Lightlords] : Win 2-1

Round 4 VS ?[Elemental Hero Beat] : Win 2-1

Round 5 VS Anthony[Plant Supervis] : Win 2-1

Seriously this deck is an epic failure... back to zombies blah


the genius killed @ 9:53 PM

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Moments of Victory is officially dead, my friends[to my khatib friends especially]. There will be nothing else but East Wing from now on...

But it's good to say that I'm not in any group from now onwards.


1. SOME people who are so fantasized about their mini-groups that they can go around ruining other people's DOTA game. Fantastic!

2. SOME people who do not call to go for a year-end BBQ... LAGI FANTASTIC BODOH! End up if I join East Wing next time they pangseh me alone again.. bloody bastards..

3. SOME people don't practice what they preach. [Maybe in the future as well]

I'm of course sad about the breakup of a good clan [with the exception of the clan leader].. What brought as together... will also force us apart.

You say there is no leader for East Wing, but the fact is that the prominent person is already there! Soon there will be one... and it will be the repeat of history again.

I wish to thank Sebastian Tan [aka Ah Long] and Peter Teo [my first Yugioh teacher] for their endless support throughout my years in dueling.. I will never forget these 2 guys.. one day I will return all favours that I owe you two...

And to the sick bastard who returned TIT FOR TAT during Asia 2010 and SCREWED UP my scores by allowing me to bypass, FUCK YOU BITCH! I will make sure it will be made known to the yugioh fraternity.

From now on I will concentrate on my collection, as well as a little something extra; to pass on my knowledge onto my new fellow duelists.. We will see something in the future..


the genius killed @ 6:47 PM

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Finally get to clear my off and leave...

Max tune session today with bryan... omg my max tune cui liao lol become so noob!

I want to watch Storm Warriors but I heard it has got some really bad ratings =( considering... hmm


the genius killed @ 12:04 AM

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Hypocrites. Some really good "friends" I have deserve to die.


the genius killed @ 2:00 AM

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Undead Lord MoV Tag Team Tournament 2009 2nd

Total: 45 cards
Monsters 30
2 Judgment Dragon
1 Dark Armed Dragon
2 Chaos Sorceror
1 Emissary of Hades - Gorz
3 Tragoedia
1 Phantom of Chaos
1 Lightsworn Paladin - Jean
1 Lightsworn Beast - Wulf
2 Lightsworn Warrior - Garoth
2 Lightsworn Sorceress - Lyla
3 Lightsworn Summoner - Lumina
2 Zombie Master
2 Goblin Zombie
2 Mezuki
1 Plaguespreader Zombie
3 Necro Gardna

Magic 14
3 Charge of the Light Brigade
3 Solar Recharge
2 Burial from a Different Dimension
2 Allure of Darkness
2 Monster Reincarnation
1 Heavy Storm
1 Giant Trunade

Trap 1
1 Treacherous Trap Hole

Side Deck 15
1 Lightsworn Angel, Celestia
1 Lightsworn Druid, Arkus
1 Lightsworn Hunter, Ryko
1 Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer
2 A.O.J. Cycle Leader
2 Prohibition
1 Lightning Vortex
1 Smashing Ground
1 Fissure
1 Spirit Burner
3 Royal Decree

Extra Deck 15
2 Death Kaiser Dragon
1 A.O.J. Decisive Arms
1 A.O.J. Catastor
1 Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Boundary
1 Mist Wurm
1 Mentalsphere Daemon
1 Red Daemon Dragon
1 Stardust Dragon
1 Goyo Guardian
1 Black Rose Dragon
1 Revived King Ha Des
1 Dark End Dragon
1 Magical Android
1 Colossal Fighter

P.S. Time for me to leave. I had enough of this shit.


the genius killed @ 8:18 PM

Sunday, November 29, 2009

MoV Tag Team Tournament just ended.

1st - B.A.D. - Bingjun, Alex, Desmond
2nd - J.F.F. - Me, Qingwen, Eric
3rd - BKE - Bryan, Kenneth, Ye Siang

I was using an UndeadLord Deck :D

My scores

1st Match vs Ye Siang[Beast Beat]: OO - 3points
1st duel: Chaos Sorceror is god.
2nd duel: Dark Armed Dragon is god.

2nd Match vs Alex Goh[Black Feather]: XX - 0point
1st duel: Get control liao then forgot to set burial so lose cuz low lifepoints
2nd duel: Alex god hand =(

3rd Match vs Kai[Hopeless Dragon]: XOO - 2 points
1st duel: Kena own by really BIG dragons!
2nd duel: Lightning Vortex is god.
3rd duel: Lightning Vortex is god.

4th Match vs ShiHao[Black Feather]: XOO - 2points
1st duel: First hand 2 zombie master and jean got bottomless-ed. Scrub.
2nd duel: Losing at first but gained control after I top draw burial.. LOL.. Phantom of Chaos is god.
3rd duel: Shi Hao mistake thinking light-imprisoning can negate contiuous effect so I burnt his icarus because of it. Actually I can impose that he activate it and destroy his own cards but I'm nice. (: Judgment Dragon and Phantom of Chaos ownage.

5th Match vs Ah Long[Zombie Synchro]: XOO - 2points
1st duel: Do wrong stunt I summon brionac liao then I forgot I got 1 more death kaiser! Wtf! Should have summoned the death kaiser first.
2nd duel: I think ah long got bad hand so I used sorceror just beat until win.
3rd duel: Burial is IMBALANCED. Save my life and win by timeout.

6th and FINAL Match vs Daniel[Cosmos Beat]: OXO - 2points
1st duel: Lyla control his back field and Dark Armed Dragon hit the field pretty easily :D
2nd duel: His hand too god! Necroface ownage and D.D. Dynamite in the face =(
3rd duel: Losing from the start but TOP DRAW HEAVY STORM and I got charge of the light brigade after heavy storm so get back control from there and finally win. (:

Kudos to all my teammates, Qingwen and Eric for putting in their best.

And Xiang Jie this paragraph is dedicated to you for putting so much effort, despite being unpaid, you did the pairings very well and I could see maximum effort put in (: Good job, well done!


the genius killed @ 2:10 PM

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Self-proclaimed leader but yet unrespected by the rest because of the things you do.

Many And-s... I shall count them.

1. And I still haven't got a very satisfactory answer for my walkover in Round 2 of Asia 2010 which screwed my scores up.

2. And you think I'm stupid. I'm fucking trained as an admin before in other forums so I know how to operate them and you think I'm fucking stupid by thinking that I'm gonna believe that someone else deleted the flame thread. Use your brain, I can actually check the logs.

3. And you think you have people supporting you. Correction - Someone, no wait that's wrong - something that is supporting you only is your BIG EGO.

4. And you fucking abused your authority too many times... How come I'm in the judge team before and yet I don't touch the pairings computer? Because I don't want to get accused of cheating. But how come you're so special must go touch the computer? Hands too itchy?

5. And you have the heck-care attitute... Sometimes you must practice what you preach.

6. And this AK session is not gonna stop if you don't change your ways.

Have fun.

P.S. Someone help me get a CBOX? Thanks LOL I accidentally deleted mine.


the genius killed @ 11:48 AM

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Asian tournament 2010... yeahh stress =_= had only 3 hours of sleep the night before because I was thinking about what to play and what to side against lightsworn and vayu...

Scores here..

1st Round VS Lester[Twilight]: XOO
Shit kena pawn for first round because I do wrong stunt LOL supposed to come out Laquari I go get Equeste get back my murmillo :S Second round managed to capitalize on the mistake Lester made so I won... 3rd round won by timeout cuz we were playing too slowly..

Some little misunderstanding here... Dun know why ppl like to accuse me of cheating after the game zz the rest I dun wish to mention... totally f-ed up.

2nd Round Walkover???

Dun understand why with 1 wins can walkover. Didn't get a very good explanation on this.

3rd Round VS Tan Yong Siang[Vayulord]: OXO

First round control him with Retari keep remove his vayu from the game so he cannot special summon out big monsters... I remember whacking him for game with a 3000 heraklinos beatstick. :D Second round was controlling with kycoo but shit lol I let him brainwash my kycoo in the end kena control -_- Third round opponent bad hand [2 vayu, 2 necro gardna and 1 plaguespreader zombie]. I activate Dimension Fissure and he give me the sian sian look when I trapdustshoot him LOL.

4th Round VS Akira[BlackFeatherBeat]: XX

First round failed to capitalize on the morphing jar deceptive trick I did on him... He looked quite stunned after I removed all his vayu and gale from play... Kept drawing dark bribes so... SCOOP! Second round I had a pretty bad hand... all monsters I can't control but I managed to exterminate his icarus :D LOL that was enough to satisfy me. All the forum flames about him; "Floating effect! Ya BF - Blizzard of the North Pole is FLOATING EFFECT!" At least I managed to make his hands shiver when I did the morphing jar stunt on him... was pretty funny but nevertheless a good game...

Overall score 3-1 Ranked 14th in Swiss... and they call for top 8... cb.

Fucked up day - 151109


the genius killed @ 2:08 PM

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Time for my little blog to undergo a bit of transformation...

Hmm lets talk a little of unit life... sucks..

How much coolie aka saikang work you want us to do? What the hell and it's all because of a stupid exercise "codenamed" EXERCISE WALLABY. Dumb Wallaby. Seriously. I can't stand losing sleep when we have to wake up SO EARLY just to get a stupid angmoh guy to check our stuff. What's with australia about contamination. Singapore contamination spread over to australia? What crap.

Example here: You bring an apple that was planted and grown in Australia and it gets shipped over to Singapore; you wanna bring the apple back into Australia? Fat hope. That's just because the Australians claim that the apple gets contaminated when it reaches Singapore. What crap again.

Ah all the whining and stuff~~

Anyway, I'm leaving Singapore on the 21st of October, around 1125 hrs and will be back 11th of November... So yugioh friends... chill and I'll see you guys after that (:

P.S. When I woke up one day, I realised that the person I'm afraid to lose is actually you. I pray that God will give you the strength to support you through the tribulations you're gonna face.


the genius killed @ 12:04 PM

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Like finally! 3SG LOH!

Since I'm in a rush I guess I will just say that my course mates are great! I will miss Stagmont Camp aka Slackmont Camp :D

Will really miss these guys; Chung Hiang, Jonathan Khoo, Victor, Jerome, Thambie and Chingwan... Cool mates to have...

Anyway, posted to HQ 4 SAB. Can say slack. But need go EX WALLABY! WTF. I hate going overseas. And tmr got ICCT... arghhhh crazy days ahead -_-


the genius killed @ 9:44 PM

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Hmm, haven't blogged for a while. Still in my specialist course... gonna graduate soon! 3SG!

4 More weeks!!! Anyway, jubeat-ed today, true love extreme still failed... but 661k... hope can pass soon...

Going to class outing now! Cya all next week~~~

Signing OFF

the genius killed @ 4:52 PM

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Yugioh World Tournament!

I was judging for the prestigous annual event... usually I'll be playing but I recently ran out of luck so I decided to join the judge team...

Being a judge allowed me to view different strategies from different perspectives... Somewhat like a good enrichment lesson... experience is more than what meets the eye... Being a judge allowed to have the power to influence, the power to decide critical moments.. like what happened just now.

Found many new and cool cards, really great that I finally found some of the stuff I need...

I disqualified a person today. I don't know what brought me to decide that he should be disqualified, but there was enough reason that he should be disqualified. First, he was late. Fault 1. Second, he used handphone during a top16 duel. Fault 2. Third, he violated the rules of the game a dozen of times which escaped the eyes of the other judges. I'm sorry Xiang jie was one of the persons who suffered under it, but I made sure Benjamin didn't get an unfair duel.

I saw a lot of good players, including the lightlord player [farid I think] whom I really respect and I believe future players should follow in his footsteps..

Will fill the details next week... gonna book in soon...

P.S. I will not live my life in agony just because of a failure.


the genius killed @ 8:37 PM

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Ok... I know my blog is getting dusty so I'm here to clear up the dust... :D

Anyway I passed out from SISPEC 2 weeks ago... as a corporal :) Posted to signals for my sergeant course... back to mugging! Anyway, I had a break of about 9 days after I passed out... So I shall talk about it?

After I passed out from BSLC, actually I kinda miss my PC, his cartoon face... and his cold jokes that always nver fail to make the whole company laugh... although he kinda like, every single joke is directed at me... No wonder my friends say I was [notice the past tense] his favourite trainee.

Anyway this week has been ok, a lot of mafia wars, ragnarok online, yugioh training and competitions and meeting up with a few of my old secondary school mates... and the platoon outing on monday :D

Platoon outing was fun but sadly it rained heavily so our trip to sentosa had to be cancelled... watched angels and demons.. a very intelligent movie... then went to sky's house to slack and play mahjong! But I didn't play mahjong la cuz I knew nothing about it so I watched movies after movies at his house then we started facebook-ing here and there hahaha it was damn fun... kfc and pizza hut.. and I'm starting to get fatter!

Tuesday, wednesday and thursday was nothing much, except the yugioh trainings at simei and stuff... routine yawn

Friday went to YJC for my godsis Rachael's council investiture.. was a bit stunned at the candle-lighting but it was a glorious sight (: I guess my godsis has a huge burden on her now... :D Good luck sis!

Saturday ah, was the day when I started to actually hate. I'm serious. Imagine people pointing a gun at your head at point blank when you're actually trying to suggest something good for the welfare of the others. Seriously that sucks. I won't and I can't be bothered to mention this guy's name, although he has been blacklisted by me in my first few blog posts.

And sorry for the others who are reading my frustrations, I simply can't stand it when he is actually teaching my disciple what to do in front of me. WHAT KIND OF RESPECT IS THIS? AT LEAST SHOW SOME RESPECT FOR THE PERSON IN FRONT OF YOU LA. And your rulings on the game totally suck so you don't even deserve to comment on a game.

And u wanna invite more people into politics? By all means go ahead. Use my match against him as a criteria to enter? No thanks thats a game of chance.

Kinda sian of going back to routine again, but no choice, I want my 3SG, and I have to work to get it.


the genius killed @ 10:27 PM

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Last week of BSLC le... Haha happy but worried at the same time, scared kena posted to ASLC sia.. I also feeling weird before 28km route march haha

We had nights out and happy hour last week... WE FINALLY HAD A CHANCE TO SLEEP IN BUNK IN BETWEEN TRAININGS LOL! Its like so common during BMT that we have a chance to sleep between trainings but definitely not for SISPEC...

Talking about my SISPEC I think its so much better than BMT loh. Trainings are tougher but you have great friends here and there supporting you to take up a greater challenge =) You have a few black sheep here and there in SISPEC but yeah, life's much better without them (:

Well really wanna thank my bunkmates for their help and support along my life in SISPEC man, they really rock... Tat Leong, Yiming and Elroy! The 4-man bunk! I'm really gonna miss you guys haha!

IPPT is screwed up but at least I passed for it... well what I can say is that I tried my best, pull up managed to increase by 1 from BMT, 2.4km run timing is slowly improving...haha.. now 11mins flat..

Talking about my life in BSLC, and the trainings...

Navigation is really screwed up, bashing through trees ain't fun. I REALLY hope I have nothing to do with navigation again.

Live firing has always been fun and the route marches that couple with it... OUR HOTEL 2IC SIMPLY ROCKS... He motivates us A LOT... I think Hotel Company really loves him hahaha... WHO ARE YOU!!! HOTEL COMPANY!!!

Morning runs suck... thats all I can say

Lectures are boring... and we have to pass tests... mugging technique used! Mwahaha

I screwed SOC, but at least I could do low rope now... however I could nver do the monkey bars... yawn

And the comps at the annex room! HAHAHA DOTA AND COUNTERSTRIKE LOL!!

Anyway BSLC really has been very fruitful... looking forward to promotion to CPL and subsequently 3SG =D



the genius killed @ 12:32 AM

Sunday, May 3, 2009

So many Chemical defence lectures and prac next week... yawn boring sia

But nights out next week too! Wee!

P.S. I wanna know how you feel ):


the genius killed @ 8:34 PM

the genius

Ron aka CoconutZai/Celebi
Eighteen going Nineteen soon
30 September 1990
EPPS 1N 2N 3N 4C 5J 6J
PRCS 1/4 2/4 3/5 4/5
Meridian Junior College 07S307
BMTC 2 Raven Company 01/09 PTP/L
SISPEC Hotel Company 51st BSLC
Signal Institute IC2 02/09 SPECIALISTS

The Glory

YGO Asian Tournament 2010 Ranked 14th [Top 16]
YGO Asian Tournament 2009 Ranked 8th [Top 8]
Comics D. Legacy DKT Finals Ranked 3rd
Comics D. Legacy DKT 15th Qualifer
MoV TagTeam Tournament 2008 Most-Valuable-Player
MoV TagTeam Tournament 2008 Ranked 2nd [PCB]
YGO Asian Tournament 2008 Ranked 44th

The Decks Behind the Glory

Dimensional Gladiator Beasts [Asia 2010]
Birds of the Same Feather Flock Together as ONE - Black Feather [Asia 2009]
Dark Dive Bomber FIRST TURN KILL - Kin-Tele-Zombies [CDL DKT]
Prismer-GladiatorBeasts [MoV TTT MVP and MoV TTT Team Ranked 2nd]
Dark Armed Diamond Dude Turbo [Asia 2008]


Yugioh Trading Card Game

Retards who waste my admin time away in SISPEC
People who don't practice what they preach
Twitter and Facebook SMS Updates

the requiem

the victims

07S307 Bloggers

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Ah Eng
Bing Jun
Guan Liang
WeiHan aka LuoHan
Xiang Jie

Yugioh Friends' Blogs
Kenneth Kho

Duelist's Recommended Blogs
Duel Society
Dueling Days
Graceful Destruction

Diane aka Wanlin jie
Eugene aka Pradian
Kok Chong
Melissa Chue
MoV Forum
MoV Website
Shao Wei
Sharon aka Xiao Di

the past

June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
August 2009
September 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010

the death god

Layout: skyshadow
Pictures: deathgod.org
Suggestions: h0peless guy =]
Many Thanks to Eileen who helped me design this whole blog